Better Health and Happiness with "Re-Life Therapy Program"

Better Health and Happiness with "Re-Life Therapy Program" - Physical and mental health was not only influenced by diet, rest patterns, and exercise alone. How do we manage stress and "trauma" inborn major role in health and happiness. Darmawan B.Suleiman, a healer and meditation expert, said that what we have experienced since in the womb until now, will greatly affect the emotional and physical health.
"Every life experience we will produce recordings that are stored in the soul. Tape If negative, the effect on the physical and mental well as negative," said the man who founded the House of Alpha Mind. He cited the current modern humans often experience a sense of unhappy and anxiety without knowing penyeabbnya. It mostly comes from "recording" negative in the past. "There's a little time once slapped in public, or since in the mother's womb is less a touch of compassion," he said.
Some chronic diseases are influenced by genetic factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, or autoimmune diseases, according Darmawan, also sourced from the negative tapes in DNA. "Modern medicine only give medicines to control the symptoms of the disease but can not cure. Fact, the body can actually be trained to heal itself," he said.
He said the man's ability to heal itself naturally often unconsciously. Healing as a whole, body, mind, and soul, among others, obtained by re-lives therapy program (Life reprogramming). The main purpose of life is reprogramming therapy wounds and remove negative records that we got to the core. "With this therapy I will guide the patient to go into yourself because virtually all the problems lies within. Every negative emotion there would then be eliminated one by one until the feeling was clear," he said. How this therapy actually similar to meditation, which we asked to sit and focus. "It could also be spelled as hypnotize yourself," he said.
The main target of this therapy, according Darmawan, are empowering themselves by the pure spirit awaken in the soul. He added that, in general, patients simply do two meetings to further practice at home. "Rest assured that every physical and mental illness there is no cure," he said. To find out more in the therapy or consult directly with Darmawan


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