Allergies Influence by Father genetic

Allergies Influence
Allergies Influence
Not only are eye color, shape of the nose or the tone of voice that children inherit from their parents. Genetic inheritance is also responsible for the transmission of several diseases that will manifest at some point in the lives of members of the same family.

One of the most common is allergy, which generates an exaggerated immune response to substances foreign to the body, known as allergens. A curiosity is that no one inherits the type of allergy, but the tendency to allergic diseases. Thus, a parent may have asthma and rhinitis child present.

Asthma is a genetic disease in at least 42.3% of cases, whereas in the same study of 300 asthmatic children a large proportion of brothers / sisters (85%) also had the disease. If one parent is allergic, the chance of developing rhinitis is 50%. If the two have the disease, the risk reaches 80% 4. A study shows that with identical twins when one suffers from asthma or eczema, other has 50% probability of 80% of developing the same disease. In the case of fraternal twins, the probability drops to between 25% and 40%.

Allergic disease is not because of viral or bacterial infection is actually a dysfunction of the immune system that reacts inappropriately when in contact with an allergen. The most common are dust mites, mold and pollen. What can be done in terms immunologic procedures are allergic immunotherapy (allergy shots) and desensitization, which aim to make the patient more tolerant to the substance to which you are allergic, such as proteins from dust mites, food and medicine. These procedures are specific and success depends on each case studied.


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