Healthy food in many countries

Healthy food in many countries - Some countries have a traditional menu that is delicious, healthy and appropriate diet. You can mimic the way citizens of the world enjoy the taste of food, but no adverse effect on health.
AsiaEach country in Asia has a typical dish. Style of cooking and the flavor is different. The diversity of foods in Asia allows you to enjoy a variety of dishes to suit the taste. Although diverse, the general Asian countries have in common, namely eating rice. In order for a balanced diet and stay healthy, the Asian community with a well balanced intake of rice grains, including brown rice. Consumption of brown rice or other cereals made more stable energy throughout the day. Complex carbohydrates also provide satiety and make you feel more satisfied while enjoying the meal.
AfricaHealthy eating in Africa comes from eating habits that incorporate a variety of fresh food, vegetables and fruits, colorful. You can menyontoh eating African communities to live healthier. Combine colorful fresh foods such as tomatoes are rich in lycopene to reduce the risk of cancer, as well as kale (dark green leafy vegetables) with high lutein good for brain and eye health. Make a habit of eating a dish of fresh food, vegetables and fruits, with three different colors.
MediterraneanTraditional Mediterranean diet is to eat foods low in fat. But that does not mean they do not eat fat. Local people consume good fats, including olive oil and fish oil To be healthy, cook food using olive oil. In addition to more consumption of fish, and nuts.
Latin America.Countries in Latin America known for its high taste dishes. The use of spices is also prominent in the local cuisine. Even so, they do not rely on salt to flavor dishes. The use of spices provide the distinctive flavor of the Latin American dishes. Such as cumin, pepper, chili that has dried ancho chille called and known as the herb oregano. All spices and herbs is replacing the use of salt should indeed be limited.
What about you? Never enjoy or try to cook healthy dishes that do not leave the delicious flavor as well ?


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