Must Know, This is the Concept of Healthy Living According to WHO


Living a healthy lifestyle in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is important at this time. Not only for health but also survival as a whole. Even so, a healthy lifestyle in daily life must be balanced both physically and spiritually. Because physical health is very, very important supported by mental health.

Not many know that the World Health Organization (WHO) formulates a very broad concept of health. Namely, where the perfect condition or state includes physical, mental and social conditions. According to WHO, health is certainly not limited to being free from disease, weakness and disability experienced by a person. Healthy according to WHO can also be called someone who is basically not diseased, although this certainly does not necessarily mean that it is healthy.

Health that is justified by WHO actually must be in perfect physical, mental and social condition. "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity," the WHO said on its website.

From the description above, it can be concluded that according to WHO health means ideal health conditions, both in terms of biological, psychological, and social. This will also certainly make a person able to perform activities optimally and optimally.

In addition, WHO also describes several health characteristics that need to be known. Among them, such as physically and mentally healthy without involving external elements, Healthy relating to the internal or external environment, spiritual health, mental health. And healthy as a creative and productive life.

Tips on how to live healthy during the covid 19 epidemic


live healthy

The Covid-19 outbreak that has hit the world has caused concern for everyone. However, you really don't need to worry too much if you are someone who is painstaking in maintaining your health. A healthy lifestyle that is lived consistently can help ward off Covid-19.

It's never too late to start a healthy lifestyle. Let's apply some of these healthy habits with family to avoid Covid-19 and other diseases:

Eat nutritious food with balanced portions.

Intake of nutritious food with balanced portions is very important to support health. In addition to eating filling foods, you also have to pay attention to the nutritional content of these foods. The body not only needs carbohydrates, fats, and proteins but also needs vitamins, minerals, and fiber. So, don't be lazy to eat vegetables, fruits, and nuts to complete the nutritional intake for the body.

Healthy lifestyle

Manage stress and always think positive.

Prolonged stress turns out to be prone to lowering the body's resistance so that it makes you sick easily. Therefore, you must be good at managing stress and always think positively. You have to stay away from or deal with the cause of the stress so that your mind and heart will feel relieved. Don't hesitate to take up hobbies or take me time to make you happier.

How to be healthy

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

In addition to nutritious food, adequate water intake is also important to support the body's metabolism and maintain endurance. You must consume at least 2 liters of water a day so that your body stays healthy and avoids the risk of dehydration and other diseases.

Healthy life tricks

Get enough rest and sleep regularly.

Don't neglect rest time if you want to stay healthy and avoid the risk of Covid-19. When you sleep, the body performs the process of regenerating cells and giving pause to the organs to rest. Lack of sleep is prone to causing decreased endurance, unstable mood, and lack of focus. You must sleep at least eight hours a day so that your physical and psychological condition is always excellent.

Body healthy

Exercise regularly.

Exercise routines are also good for increasing endurance. During this pandemic, you should minimize sports activities outside the home. Instead, you can do sports activities #At Home. There are various types of interesting exercises that you can do at home, such as floor exercises, yoga, pilates, and lifting weights.

Always pray.

Spiritual peace is also important to support the quality of your health. So, you should always prepare a special time to pray, for example in the morning and evening. A calm heart will make you feel more comfortable when doing activities.

Stop various bad habits.

Some bad habits that should be stopped in order to maximize a healthy lifestyle are:

  • Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and junk food.
  • Staying up late or working late into the night.
  • A sedentary (sedentary) lifestyle.

If you apply these seven simple tips, surely you will always be healthy and avoid Covid-19. Invite your family to follow a healthy lifestyle consistently.